On May 17, 2024 the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department will open it’s play yard to the public to use after hours. Users must fill out an application and pay an annual fee of $25.00 to gain access to the park. You can find the attached park application and bark park rules below. We hope that this play yard may bring joy to not only dogs that are currently at the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department but also owned dogs in our county. You can find the application here. Please submit completed applications to the Dog Warden at [email protected] or in person at the shelter.

The Equipment: The play gym equipment was purchased using money that the Dog Warden’s office received from Janet McCombs after her passing. The park equipment stands in her memory. Janet was a big supporter of the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department and it’s life saving work. We hope that her contribution will have tails wagging all across the county.