As the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department gets ready to tackle one of the busiest times of the year for animal shelters nation wide we are searching for community partners to help us tackle pet homelessness. On average our small 14 kennel shelter sees 5 adoptions per week during the summer. We are looking for 5 adoption sponsors each week of the summer in hopes of helping our dogs find their forever homes. If you are a business or organization and you want to help by sponsoring 5 adoptions or even just one submit the form below or contact the Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department at 330-674-6301. The Holmes County Dog Warden’s Department Adoption Fee is $35.00. Below you can see the sponsorship levels and what you get in return other than just saving life!

June 23- June 29 WEEK 1: OPEN
June 30 – July 6 WEEK 2: OPEN
July 7- July 13 WEEK 3: OPEN
July 14- July 20 WEEK 4: OPEN
July 21 July 27 WEEK 5: OPEN
July 28-August 3 WEEK 6: OPEN
August 4- August 10 WEEK 7: OPEN
August 11- August 17 WEEK 8: OPEN
August 18 – August 24 WEEK 9: OPEN
August 25- August 31 WEEK 10: OPEN
September 1 – September 7 WEEK 11: OPEN
September 8- September 14 WEEK 12: OPEN
September 15- September 21 WEEK 13: OPEN